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Pillar Kids Childcare Health and Safety Policy

Now more than ever, we are invested in the health and safety of the staff, members, and guests at Pillar Cowork and Pillar Kids space. Understanding the fluidity of the situation, we are closely following the guidelines and requirements set for by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), as well as the county and local governments. We hope to provide some clarity and peace of mind by sharing with you the health and safety plan we have in place.

The California Department of Social Services has announced that childcare facilities should enact rigorous social distancing and healthy practices until June 30, 2020. In accordance with these guidelines we are implementing the following procedures:

As of 3/28/2022, we no longer require children to wear masks while at Pillar. We will continue to evaluate this decision as the pandemic evolves and update our policies accordingly.


  1. Small class group sizes: (1 teacher: 6 children)
  2. Hand washing: Practice frequently (at least 20 seconds) throughout the day as well as prior to and after meal times, and after sneezing and coughing. We will ask that parents wash their own hands and assist in washing their child’s hands during drop off and pick up times.
  3. Classroom Arrangement:
    1. Arrange developmentally appropriate activities and rearrange furniture and play spaces to maintain 6-feet separation where possible.
    2. Create individual activity and play areas for each child to maintain 6-feet separation where possible.
    3. Have multiple toys and manipulatives accessible that are easy to clean and sanitize
      throughout the day.
    4. Limit the amount of sharing.
  4. Education Health & Safety:
    1. Talk with the children about how we can keep each other safe in the classroom
    2. Modeling social distancing when interacting with children, families, staff
    3. Demonstrate recommended distance
    4. Giving frequent verbal reminders
    5. Creating a scripted story around social distancing, hand washing, and proper etiquette for sneezes, coughs, etc.
  5. Other Safety Measures:
    1. We will ask parents to maintain social and physical distancing by entering and exiting the room one at a time.
    2. We will ask parents to bring their own pens when signing children in and out.
    3. We will have hand sanitizer available near all entry doors and high traffic areas.
    4. We will sanitize furniture, and restrooms frequently throughout the day.
    5. We will ask that personal items are clearly labeled and placed in a cubby separate from others. All personal toys should be kept at home.
  6. Rest Areas: Nap cots will be set up at least 6 feet apart with the head of the bed alternating in opposite directions to lessen the possibility of illness being spread by sneezing or coughing during their rest.