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Making childcare decisions for your little one can feel overwhelming. There are so many options, from in-home nannies to daycare centers to preschool programs. But with a growing body of research highlighting the importance of early childhood development, many parents are specifically interested in preschool programs for their 2-6 year olds.

Here’s a breakdown of the key differences between play-based preschools and childcare centers, to help you choose the program that best suits your child’s needs:


Play-Based Preschool:

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  • Focus: Learning through play. Play-based preschools create a stimulating environment filled with open-ended materials and activities that encourage exploration, creativity, and social interaction.
  • Curriculum: While there may be some thematic units or circle time activities, the emphasis is on child-directed play. Teachers act as facilitators, guiding children’s exploration and learning through play experiences.
  • Benefits: Research shows that play-based preschools can significantly benefit a child’s development in various areas, including:


Childcare Center:

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  • Focus: Providing a safe and nurturing environment for children while parents are at work. While some childcare centers may incorporate educational activities, the primary focus is on supervision and basic care needs.
  • Curriculum: The curriculum can vary depending on the center, but it may include structured activities, circle time, and basic pre-academic skills like letter and number recognition.
  • Benefits: Childcare centers offer essential benefits for working parents, providing a safe space for children to socialize and receive basic care while parents are away.


Why Choose a Preschool Program?

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While childcare centers offer valuable support for working parents, preschool programs offer a specifically designed environment for early learning and development. Research suggests that attending a high-quality preschool program can lead to several long-term advantages for children, including:

  • Higher academic achievement: Studies show that children who attend preschool tend to perform better in school later on Source: National Center for Education Statistics [invalid URL removed]
  • Improved social skills: Preschool programs provide a structured environment for children to develop social skills necessary for future success Source: NAEYC
  • Increased self-confidence: Positive preschool experiences can boost a child’s self-confidence and sense of independence.


So, which one is right for you?

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your individual needs and priorities. If you are looking for a program that focuses specifically on early learning and development through play, a play-based preschool may be the ideal fit. If your primary concern is finding reliable childcare while you work, a child care center might be a better option.


Ready to Learn More?

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Pillar Co-work offers a variety of childcare and preschool programs designed to nurture and stimulate your child’s development. Explore our programs and find the perfect fit for your family: Pillar Co-work Childcare.