What happened this month?
September was a fun month, as we officially said good-bye to summer and settled into a more regular school-time routine.
Friends explored many new topics and discovered new abilities along with it. In the classroom – Ms. Angelina introduced our new “Writing Center” that features dedicated space for friends to practice recognizing and writing letters and numbers, how fun!! Even our smallest friends enjoyed practicing to use writing utensils, working on their fine motor, pincer grasping skills.

Toddler Group (Ms. Lam’s group)
In September, the toddlers explored transportation vehicles, such as cars, tractors, boats, train and planes. We talked about how each type of transportation travels and how some are used to for people and other for cargo. One of our favorite books that we loved to read was the “Little Blue Truck”. Some of the activities the toddlers enjoyed included painting car tracks, which is great for their fine motor skill development. One of our friends realized he could also make track marks in the sandbox and noticed that track marks comes out better in wet sand versus the dry sand – what a great way to explore new sensory concepts. In October, the toddlers will be learning about all things FALL, in particular about the beautiful colors of fall in their artwork and daily activities.

Preschool Group (Ms. Angelina’s group)
September was the month in which we learned about community helpers. These are people in our neighborhood, like police officers, firefighters, doctors, garbage collectors, construction workers, chefs, teachers, members of the armed forces, and so many more! We also explored the life of
a superhero, as we talked about their unique superpowers and how we can use our own “superpowers” to help our friends. The children enjoyed movement songs, cooking activities, and outside adventures that were based on the lives of the community helpers we explored that day. Vocabulary words that we learned included: Ingredients; Construction; Exam; Stethoscope; 9-1-1; Hero; Bravery; and Villain.
With Halloween coming October will be an exciting month for the children! We will talk about the traditions of Halloween, taking part in teacher guided activities that promote large and fine motor skills, social interaction, enhance the imagination, and math, science, and language skills in fun and exciting ways.