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This month, both our preschool and toddler groups, explored animals from “Habitats around the World” and it was amazing! By reading books, singing songs, and creating beautiful art work – we learned about different animals, including Elephants and Lions from the Safari, Tigers from the Asian Jungles, Polar Bears from the Arctic, and more!
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Preschool Group (Ms. Angelina)

The preschoolers sharpened their language and cognitive development skills as they discussed animal “habitats” in the wild. We learned how animals like Bears and Lions protect themselves from “predators” by building special structures, called “dens”. And how chameleons change colors to “camouflage” or blend in to any environment!

This month we tried a new welcome song for circle, called “Willoughby Wallaby Woo” that we sang as we passed around a huge elephant, singing each friend’s name to welcome them.

Toddler Group (Ms. Lam)

We talked about which sounds different animals make, for example horses say “neigh”. The toddlers enjoyed singing the “5 Little Speckled Frogs” song. The kids also loved dancing to “animal freeze dance”. Try playing these songs for your little one and watch them light up!

Both groups honed in on their fine motor skills while glueing, cutting, and painting works of art. The children explored the different patterns found in nature, like the tiger’s and zebra’s stripes.

New to the classroom!

All of the children thoroughly enjoyed playing in our newly built sandbox this month! Teachers provided various open-ended items to the sand, i.e. twigs, blocks, trucks, etc. The children spent hours creating and playing together (and independently). The sandbox is definitely a breeding ground for all sorts of sensory, creative, and dramatic play.

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